Thursday 6 October 2016

Physical Well-being Part 1

I forgot about ME! For years I didn't take good care of myself. After 3 kids and always being on the go I was utterly exhausted. I knew something was wrong. I thought, is this how everyone feels? I was completely out of energy all the time.

I had to make a change and be healthy for my kids. I saw doctor after doctor and they all diagnosed me with depression right then and there. Their solution? prescription antidepressants. No thanks.

I knew that wasn't the right choice for me so instead I started doing my research. After taking a good look at my habits I realized that I was self inducing fatigue. I was barely eating and when I did I would binge eat.

The only exercise I got was from chasing my kids around
(which was a huge strain on my back) and on top of that I had terrible sleeping patterns. I also learnt that I was anemic (probably caused by my terrible diet).

Yeesh, what was I thinking?!?! I began taking iron supplements, sleeping more and forcing myself to eat breakfast which wasn't easy. Just pushing myself to eat a small healthy breakfast in the morning set up my day for success. 

So remember that your body and mind are in complete synchronization and if your body is unhealthy your mind will be too.

I know that depression makes it hard to even get out of bed in the morning but you have to push yourself to get up and move your body! Get angry! Tell your depression that you're not going to take it anymore. Screw you depression! Thats what I say.

Below you will see my current exercise plan. I will be tailoring my workouts every 3 weeks because that's about how long it takes for your body to become accustomed to a certain regimen. Exercise isn't about the amount of reps you do or how long you run, it is about the intensity of the movements your doing. So keep that in mind when your planning your own customized routine. Try exercising in the morning before you're family wakes up, this is the perfect time because when your finished your body will be pumped with endorphins. You will feel energized and ready for the day.

If you want to make your own fitness plan the first thing you need to do is find out what level your at and go from there. Then pick the days you want to workout and what area you want to target. Its always best to plan ahead, if you know what exercise to do you are more likely to get it done. Now you pick which exercise suits you. For example, I have a terrible lower back due to bad posture and many epidurals so I target my lower back and never push myself too far. Never over do it, you can cause serious injury. Stretch before and after every workout. Always remember to control your breathing and keep your core tight. I will also be posting a list of all my favorite music to exercise to.

Now for cardio, I am not one to run or jog, running lots can be hard on your joints and I don't go to the gym so I came up with a few cardio exercises disguised by having fun and here they are!

  1. Chase your kids around!!! They'll love it and you will feel it. This is also great quality time (if you have kids).
  2. Wrestle around with your dog!!! I love this one, it's such a great full body workout and cardio combined, for me and my big dog.
  3. DANCE DANCE DANCE and even sing while you're dancing. It is fun for the whole family to pump the tunes and boogy down in the living room, this is also great for a good laugh!!!
  4. Sports, duh! Kick a ball around, shoot some hoops, skiing, swimming, skating, roller blading and biking are all super fun!!! And like a gazillion more fun things that get your body moving  and your heart pumping.

Stay tuned for Physical Well-being Part 2 for tips on how to create a healthy diet plan and I promise you won't go hungry.

Physical Well-being Part 1

I forgot about ME! For years I didn't take good care of myself. After 3 kids and always being on the go I was utterly exhausted. I knew something was wrong. I thought, is this how everyone feels? I was completely out of energy all the time.

I had to make a change and be healthy for my kids. I saw doctor after doctor and they all diagnosed me with depression right then and there. Their solution? prescription antidepressants. No thanks.

I knew that wasn't the right choice for me so instead I started doing my research. After taking a good look at my habits I realized that I was self inducing fatigue. I was barely eating and when I did I would binge eat.

The only exercise I got was from chasing my kids around
(which was a huge strain on my back) and on top of that I had terrible sleeping patterns. I also learnt that I was anemic (probably caused by my terrible diet).

Yeesh, what was I thinking?!?! I began taking iron supplements, sleeping more and forcing myself to eat breakfast which wasn't easy. Just pushing myself to eat a small healthy breakfast in the morning set up my day for success. 

So remember that your body and mind are in complete synchronization and if your body is unhealthy your mind will be too.

I know that depression makes it hard to even get out of bed in the morning but you have to push yourself to get up and move your body! Get angry! Tell your depression that you're not going to take it anymore. Screw you depression! Thats what I say.

Below you will see my current exercise plan. I will be tailoring my workouts every 3 weeks because that's about how long it takes for your body to become accustomed to a certain regimen. Exercise isn't about the amount of reps you do or how long you run, it is about the intensity of the movements your doing. So keep that in mind when your planning your own customized routine. Try exercising in the morning before you're family wakes up, this is the perfect time because when your finished your body will be pumped with endorphins. You will feel energized and ready for the day.

If you want to make your own fitness plan the first thing you need to do is find out what level your at and go from there. Then pick the days you want to workout and what area you want to target. Its always best to plan ahead, if you know what exercise to do you are more likely to get it done. Now you pick which exercise suits you. For example, I have a terrible lower back due to bad posture and many epidurals so I target my lower back and never push myself too far. Never over do it, you can cause serious injury. Stretch before and after every workout. Always remember to control your breathing and keep your core tight. I will also be posting a list of all my favorite music to exercise to.

Now for cardio, I am not one to run or jog, running lots can be hard on your joints and I don't go to the gym so I came up with a few cardio exercises disguised by having fun and here they are!

  1. Chase your kids around!!! They'll love it and you will feel it. This is also great quality time (if you have kids).
  2. Wrestle around with your dog!!! I love this one, it's such a great full body workout and cardio combined, for me and my big dog.
  3. DANCE DANCE DANCE and even sing while you're dancing. It is fun for the whole family to pump the tunes and boogy down in the living room, this is also great for a good laugh!!!
  4. Sports, duh! Kick a ball around, shoot some hoops, skiing, swimming, skating, roller blading and biking are all super fun!!! And like a gazillion more fun things that get your body moving  and your heart pumping.

Stay tuned for Physical Well-being Part 2 for tips on how to create a healthy diet plan and I promise you won't go hungry.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Stressed Out? Got Anxiety? Depression?

While there are cases of people needing medication to fix a chemical imbalance that is not always the answer. I have suffered with all 3 debilitating mental health issues and was offered prescription mind altering drugs. After carfully doing my research I decided not to go that route due to the serious side effects that go along with those kinds of meds. I decided I was in need of a drastic lifestyle change so I starting conciously being present in the moment and being grateful for all the beautiful things I have in life instead of living in the past and letting depression control my life. These are some of my favorite things to do when I'm feeling overwhelmed.

  1. Be Grateful: Whenever I'm having a bad day I think about everything I am so lucky to have, for example my kids, my husband, food in the fridge, a warm bed to sleep, all of my limbs, my health, my family(including pets) and so much more.
  2. Be present: If your stressed take some time to play with your kids, take your dog to the park or even close your eyes and empty your mind. Bringing yourself back down to a much healthier frequency can make a huge difference in your outlook.
  3. Limit alcohol and caffine: Try drinking hot water with a squirt of lemon as soon as you wake up. It soothes the stomach and also helps body remove toxins more efficiently. Decaffinated tea is also a great alternative. Smoothies are my favorite, they give such a great natural energy with no caffine buzz.
  4. Take time for yourself: Have a bubble bath, read a novel or meditate. Do something that you enjoy!!!
  5. Listen to motivational speakers: I love this!!! Especially in the during a morning workout or when your feeling down.
  6. Have a healthy diet: Try eating lots of fruits and vegtables instead of eating processed food which contain cancer causing toxins, preservatives and dyes that can cause ADHD.
  7. Exercise: When you are active your body releases mood boosting chemicals called endorphins. The endorphins interact with receptors in the brain resulting in euphoria.
  8. Smile, Hug or Kiss: Doing anyone of these will instantly boost your mood by reducing the chemical cortisol which is released when stressed or anxious.
Give it a try, I promise if you give it your all you can beat whatever is holding you back.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Elements of Well-being

  • Emotional/Mental : Are you in control of your emotions? Is Stress, Anxiety or Depression holding you back in life? Learn how to reduce stress and cope with calming, uplifting and mood changing strategies.
  • Physical : Diet and exercise are key to feeling great from the inside out! What are you putting in your body? Learn more about how to customize a diet and exercise routine that work best for you!
  • Spirituality/Religion : Everyone needs something to believe in, something that makes them feel connected with the world and its energy. Learn about which religion/spirituality works for you and the differences and similarities between the two.
  • Social/Relationships : We all want are relationships to be positive and fulfilling but sometimes thats not the case. I will be blogging about what a healthy relationship looks like and ways to improve current relationships. 
  • Financial : Being financially stable can make a huge difference in your happiness. Being able to afford the necessities of life and not be struggling from check to check can take an immense amount of weight off your shoulders. Learn how to make a bugdet that suits your lifestyle and how to stop spending money on things you really don't need.
  • Career : Are you doing something you love? Most of us get up everyday and go to a job we hate just to pay the bills. We start off life with dreams and aspirations and before we know it we are following the herd. Learn how to follow your heart and find your dream job.

Monday 3 October 2016

A Bit About Me

I would like to start off with telling all of you a little about myself so here it goes. I am a proud Wife and Mother of two girls and one boy. Their ages are 8, 6 and 2.They are my motivation not to ever give up, be the best mom I can be and give them the best chance at succeeding in this world.

As a child I was never warned about the dangers of substance abuse and grew up thinking addiction was normal. Boy was I wrong! I started struggling with addiction at the early age of eleven. I was placed in CFS(Child and Family Services). I went lived at CSU(Crisis Stabilization Unit), multiple group homes, hotels and from couch to couch at my lowest point.

At age 14 I was taken to Marymound a Rehabilitation Centre for troubled youth. The people at Marymound saved my life and I will always cherish my time spent there growing and changing from a closed off, angry, lost little girl to the positive, loving and determined person I truly am today.

When I was 15 I met and moved in with my now hubby. We both have seen alot of addiction in are lives. We knew that deep down we had the same traditional values and both wanted a big family. We lived together for about a year and a half before I got pregnant with are first child at age 16 and little did I know then, my kids would be the strength my husband and I needed to break the chain of addiction and start on the path to a better life. The trick is how you respond(not react) to the hurdles life throws at you.

Tomorrow's Blog : Elements of Well-being